The Smoothest Endermologie in New Jersey
Frequently asked questions:
question to answer your question
What does the Endermologie® machine do?
How do I know if I am a candidate for Endermologie®?
How does Endermologie® work?
How much does it cost?
What is the timeline for Endermologie®?
How long is each session?
Who performs the massage?
Why can’t I come more often and have quicker results?
Why do you have to do my whole body? Why don’t you just do my “problem” area?
Does the treatment hurt?
Do I have to wear anything special?
What can I do to ensure optimal results?
Will diet and exercise help my cellulite or trapped fat?
Will Endermologie® help me lose weight?
How will you track my progress?
What are the main factors responsible for cellulite & trapped fat?